My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Of music and pigs

It is a rare and joyful thing to have the caliber of confidante and companion that remembers your occasionally eclectic musical tastes, to the artist; and inquires to their presence nearby; and points out, lest truly exquisite events go unnoticed, that such are occurring; and to have the caliber of friend that will follow you into the abyss, unprepared, to embark upon an expedition toward an evening of unfamiliar (but strange, and beautiful) music.

It is also a rare and joyful thing to speak of pigs, and indeed their friends, but to preserve propriety, I will happily allow Amar regale you with the relevant details.

It is marvelous to be home.

1 comment:

  1. "So I've seen some of America on tour, it's been great. And, of course, by "America", I mean the area between my tour bus (out in the car park) and here. It's funny though...when we were getting off the bus earlier today, we saw a man just sitting there petting a dead dog in the car park. We were a bit confused, but we only got more confused when we realized that the dog was alive. And that it was actually a pig. And that the man was petting the pig's testicles. So we couldn't stop watching, and this went on for about 10 minutes, before the man lifted the pig up by it's legs (in some sort of love-dance), loaded the pig into his truck, and drove away.

    So, needless to say, I was interested to see how tonight was going to go..."
