My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Fish Camp

This is a picture my mom snapped of the catfish restaurant in Centerville. It is (or was) called "The Fish Camp"

I was present there one day when a certain city-born woman walked in in her heels and designer sunglasses and asked the waitress what they served here. The waitress replied cheerfully.


The woman didn't seem satisfied with that answer. She inquired further.

"What kind of fish?"

The waitress looked a little taken aback at this point, but she kept her smile and said,

"Well, catfish!"

The woman took off her sunglasses at this point and fixed the poor waitress with a slightly incredulous look.

"Do you serve anything besides catfish?"

The waitress seemed to think very hard for a moment, then brightened visibly and beamed,

"Well, yes ma'am! We also serve fillets!"

The woman seemed encouraged, and asked patiently,

"What kind of filets?"

The waitress was also encouraged. She responded immediately.

"Catfish fillets!"

The woman left. Apparently she was looking for something other than catfish.

Her loss! The Fish Camp is (or was) one of those treasures which you will find from time-to-time is small town America. They had a small lake on the premises, and every morning they would go out and actually catch the fish which they would serve that day. With a fishing pole! It only comes (or came) fried, but as the waitress in my story rightly pointed out, you could order the fish whole or filleted. The breading was light and subtly seasoned. The fish was camp-fire fresh, flaky and amazingly flavorful. It truly is the best fried fish I have ever tasted. True, there is only one thing on the menu, but that one thing it is perfectly and lovingly executed. There are certain advantages to only serving one kind of fish.

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