My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Hi friends!

It's been too long. I'm going to break Steven's iron grip on this blog and share a little piece of news. I can elaborate more on the details to you guys separately since I don't want to spill everything in this forum, but...I got offered a job in DC! I applied for it before I went off to Australia in January (oh yeah, I went to Australia) and spent the past couple months interviewing. Just got the thumbs up yesterday.

So I would've killed for this job a few months ago, but now that I actually have the offer I have to think a bit harder. Would love your advice if any of you are free!

1 comment:

  1. I don't have an iron grip. I just have a normal grip while everyone else let go.

    Congrats! What job?
