My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello, world!

Welcome, authors, to Diasporatic: the blog of our lives. We are about to embark on a journey which will change us all and the world for the bester. This blog is being founded upon the classical belief that true virtue can only be achieved if one accurately remembers and reflectively considers one’s past. We hope that this blog will be an instrument to that end for all of us collectively.

Ask yourself: what does the bestest of all possible worlds look like? Ask yourself: how am I working to bring that bester world about? Ask yourself these questions, and when you find the answers, write them in this blog. That is our vision. Will you join us?

~ Jed

In all seriousness, we started this blog for two simple reasons. First, we love you all and want us to stay involved in each others’ lives! Even now, it’s clear that college has marked a turning point in our lives; the friendships we’ve developed are far too important to let slide. Please write freely and often – sometimes, just sharing bits of your everyday lives brings people closer. Secondly, we’re all embarking on wildly diverse career paths – thus, we’ve been presented a unique opportunity. We’re fully confident that everyone will rise to the top of their chosen fields; can you imagine how exciting it will be to continue to trade ideas years in the future? We’ve all contributed to each others’ successes thus far; let’s keep it up!

~ Michelle

P.S. We are drunk. But that doesn’t mean that this shit isn’t important!

Jed and Michelle

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