My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Made in China(town) (2008)

A week and a half ago I acted for a 72-hour filmmaking competition shot by a friend of mine. (I took part in this kind of thing two years ago and produced this pile of crap.) I think this one is a bit better. The theme is a first goodbye, and there was a special award for best Chinatown. We got disqualified for a single shot because we didn't get signed releases from some people in the background. Kind of lame, but still. It's alright (there are a bunch of editing choices I would have changed, but it's acceptable for having been made in 3 days), so please enjoy.

Edit: It seems the embed is not working. If you would like to see the movie, check it out here. In the future I'll try to get an embeddable version.

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