My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Solitary Travels

I just walked in the door to my house a few minutes ago, and damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.  Uh, I mean, it feels good to be home.  Haha, I'm sorry, that was awful.  We'll see how long I last today until jet lag comes crashing on, but here's a post that I wrote up while bumming around London earlier today (though it really feels like that was yesterday).  I was in Zambia less than 36 hours ago, and I've been in 4 countries since then - I think I've had my fill of flying for a while!


I know I just posted (via Le-Anh), but I'm sitting here in Heathrow with nothing to do but kill time, and what better way to do that than write a new post!

No overarching trip post yet - far too much has happened, so I'll need a little time to organize my thoughts on that.  Mostly, I wanted to write a bit about my experiences traveling alone.  If you were previously unaware, I spent the last 3 or 4 days in Africa traveling on my own, since Amar was due back in Namibia for a Fourth of July party.  Coming into the trip, I had no intention of wandering Africa on my own - in fact, I didn't really want to do it until it happened.  But, the alternatives were to follow Amar to Namibia (a long, difficult trip) or stay by myself in Jo'burg (where I likely would have been mugged), so I somehow found myself on a plane to Zambia.

Let me first say that I have traveled on my own before - but never in an unfamiliar continent, and never just for pleasure.  People don't tend to take solitary vacations, and a young, foreign woman wandering around Africa alone is especially unusual.  I had several people comment on what a "cool" and "phenomenal" thing they thought I was doing, and in retrospect, I have to agree.  Even now, I have to think "I can't believe I did that!"

The most striking thing about it is that when you travel on your own, there's no one else there to share the experience with you.  The impressions and memories of places and sights are completely your own.  Sometimes, I would walk down the street and feel my nerves charged at that thought - or maybe that was just adrenaline from thinking about the possibility of being mugged.  But sleeping alone in a tent in Botswana, hearing the howling hyenas and thinking that you're hundreds or thousands of miles away from a single soul you know - some people would call that scary.  I would too, if I hadn't felt it myself.

I saw some of the most amazing things while on my own - Victoria Falls, The Boiling Pot (every word of Amar's description is true), and nearly every wild animal imaginable.  Sometimes I just had to stop and laugh at it all.  Crossing the Knife's Edge bridge at the Falls, wearing a raincoat and still getting soaked from the mist, seeing unbroken circles of rainbows all around - how could I not laugh out loud at that?  It would have been just as beautiful if others had been with me, but my senses were so heightened from being alone that I couldn't stop smiling.

I'm sure that this won't compel any of you to take vacations on your own, but if you're ever faced with the possibility, just take a deep breath and do it.  Especially you, ladies.

Okay, back to waiting around in the airport - I've become especially good at this.  On this trip alone, I've flown 7 times (8th time coming up), been in 6 countries (excluding the U.S.), and waited countless hours at bus stops and airports.  That last part is one that I won't miss!

P.S. I'll actually be back on Monday afternoon - I plan on contacting you all immediately to hang out!  If the thought of seeing me again isn't enough to tempt you, I come bearing bribes - I mean presents.


Addendum: I just wanted to pause and thank Amar for being such an awesome trip buddy!  I essentially relinquished all planning control to him (you all know how difficult that can be for me), and he did a wonderful job.  So Amar, don't be put off that I enjoyed my time alone - traveling with you was so much fun!  Also, I think the fact that we saw each other 24/7 for two weeks and managed not to kill each other is fantastic.  However, I'm sorry that I can't walk in a straight line, and I'm sorry that I overreact to non-crises.  =)

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