My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Need Some Feedback!

Friends, the kiddos are coming back this week, which means I am in serious need of energy and motivation in much higher quantities than any human naturally possesses. Besides prayer and caffeine, I'm also relying on music to get me through my days, which is where I need your suggestions. Can anyone recommend some good, energetic, "pump you up" music that I can make into my back-to-school playlist? Here are my conditions:
1) Must be happy--even if it's not super-energetic, I'll accept it if it's happy.
2) Must not be depressing--these seem mutually exclusive, but just in case you're particularly dense...
3) Ideally would be something I could dance in the car to.
4) No swear words.
5) In general, nothing that I couldn't have running through my head all day while working with children.

Any suggestions? If everyone who reads this sent me one song, I'd already have a whole playlist! I feel kind of like one of those awful chain letters now :) but if I get good responses it will all be worth it.

Miss you all, and hope the start of fall is bringing with it many wonderful things for you!


  1. This is such a hard question! But I have to recommend a song you already know - Miley, of course =) In a similar vein, listen to Lost Without Each Other by Hanson (yes, that Hanson).

    Also, I've found that songs called "Good Day" (like the one by Luce) or "Sunday Morning" (like the one by Maroon 5) tend to be pretty cheery =)

  2. Hahahaha--so much fun Michelle! :) Thanks for the tips, some of those may be going on my CD soon...

  3. I'll Be There For You by The Rembrandts! Unless you're sick of Friends.

    Also, Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor (Rocky theme) and Made To Love by Toby Mac.
