My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

First Celebrity Sighting

So I really should be posting about my recent move to New York, showing you guys pictures of my apartment or whatever...and I will! But. This is too big. In fact, it's so big that most of you who care already know, so this post is primarily for Amar's benefit.

Without further ado: On my first full day as a New York resident (that would be yesterday), I met Richard Blais. As in Richard from Top Chef Season 4. He gave me a popcornsicle - a ball of caramel popcorn on a stick, dipped in liquid nitrogen. Ahh!

The story? I was walking with Erik on 5th Avenue, a few blocks from my apartment. I saw a popcorn shop with a big sign saying "July 15-17, Richard Blais, 11:30-2:30". Of course I had to go! I almost completely forgot about it later, but then (at the urging/online screaming of Dean R), ran over and met the man himself.

The surprising thing is that I think most of the people there didn't know who he was! Sure, there were people with cameras (I'll post the pic from my phone at some point), but I think most people just saw a line for free food and joined it.

And yes, the popcornsicle was good.


7/19 update: Ye and I suspect that we saw LaVar Arrington leaving Sean John today, though we can't be sure. But, as Ye said: "Who else looks like LaVar Arrington, goes to Sean John, and gets driven around in an Escalade limo?" As we walked home and discussed the validity of our celebrity sighting, I started singing the Eastern Motors jingle.

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