My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lifeload: Smokers Need Not Apply

I'm in relationship-heat, and it's a mentality that sets in every summer. A feeling that gets worse and worse every year because damnit I'm 22 and I'm ready to settle down and birth some babies. Or something like that.

I had quintessentially the worst date in the history of dates. Ever. Suffice it to say that the boy smoked, wore jorts to the date, was tripping on LSD as we ate, and ordered "the soup of the day...don't tell me what it is, though, I want it to be a surprise." Meanwhile, I spent most of the dinner trying to slit my wrist with a spoon under the table just to escape.

[Redacted]? Which perhaps raises the more interesting question that many of us will have to deal with post-school.

How do you meet anyone after college these days?


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