My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Los que no salta

This is a fantastic article from SI about the TV coverage of the World Cup in the US this year. I found it to be well-researched, relevant and interesting.;jsessionid=3D8194523C95E96ADDDAFBF88515371D.cnnsi1b

I have no doubt that this is great news for American soccer fans. I believe that American TV networks are more than capable of manufacturing a market for televised soccer in America if they put their minds to it - and it sounds like that is exactly what they have done. Wonderful news for those of us who crave more TV coverage of international soccer!

However, I am not as convinced that this bodes well for MLS. Does expanded coverage of the major European leagues (ESPN is expanding to 85 Premiership games next year, and is making a play for Champions league games too) help the MLS by generating a greater buzz for the sport of soccer in a market that hasn't really warmed up to it yet, or does it hurt MLS by providing US soccer fans a more exciting option than watching DC United lose every game?

I recently read somewhere that some of the domestic leagues in Africa saw their game attendance plummet when they started getting live TV coverage of the Champions League.

What do you guys think?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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