My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Yet another reason to (maybe) be a complete Apple fanboy

I literally got shivers when I read this. If this is accurate, that pretty much kills any question in my mind as to how Apple caught up to Microsoft in terms of market cap and market share. Bad...ass.


  1. I think I need educating.

    Isn't Apple's market share still somewhere around 10%? To what numbers are you referring when you say apple has "caught up" to Microsoft?

  2. Apologies -- Apple is getting close in terms of consumer (as opposed to business) market share, and I think it actually eclipses Microsoft in $1000+ computer sales.

    Market cap is getting pretty close to equivalent, though. 225.72B vs. 270.74B at market close today. Compared to ten years ago, that's absurd.

  3. One additional note since evidently I can't edit comments -- the implicit flip side (and what Jed has rightfully pointed out) is that Microsoft obliterates Apple in the corporate world.
