My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Aussies. And roos.

I prepare to foray 'round the world! Such ministrations to the gods of Packing are not to be taken lightly. These rituals are themselves an incursion into unfamiliar and forbidding territory, a negotiation of stymying choice and difficult paths leading to unforeseeable and dire consequence. Take this dilemma: to bring the canteen, or the machete?

United Airlines settled that one. Alas, the propriety of international flight.

So yeah, Sam and I are about to find ourselves in Australia, and I think we're prepared for it even though I'm not sure it's really sunk in that we decided to do this. At least it hasn't for me; this was all a harebrained idea that somehow actually happened, and I'm still not sure how. We don't yet have a place to stay, but I think we'll take care of that tonight. We know where we want to stay. Sort of. We have about half a million options and will be picking one soon. It doesn't really matter: no one goes anywhere in the winter anyway!

Anyway, that's all for now. Because we haven't actually found any Aussies yet. Or Roos. Because we're still in Maryland. We will talk about them when we have a chance to examine them in person! And yes, Jed, I will fight a kangaroo for you if I can only get my hands on one.

Or maybe I'll get Sam to do it and take pictures. Yes, this is a good plan.

See you in July!


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