My interest in this blog is primarily historical.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I applied for a job as a firefighter/paramedic in a number of places today and I heard back within about 15 minutes from the City of Fairfax Fire Department to come up March 13th to take a written test and a physical test. Guy I spoke to today said that good paramedics are hard to come by and that the applicant pool is thin. Immediate opening, good pay.


I kind of regret not taking some time off between undergrad and med school. I spoke to the Dean of Students a while back and I happened to find out that he'd offer me two years away from school to do whatever I need to get shit out of my system and that they'd take me back as a third year, as if I had never left. If I didn't want to come back, that'd be fine too... of course I'd still owe quite a small sum of money.

Yeah I have no idea. There are so few cons to this, and so many pros, but I still don't know.


  1. Sounds way too awesome to pass up. Not to mention that you'd be back in town.

  2. I lied. Spoke to the Dean and he meant that I could take this time off after third year, not this year. Oh well. I think by that point I'm gonna love medicine again (since I will be on my feet and running, instead of interminable studying) so I'll probably be all like "MAN I LOVE DOCTORING FIREFIGHTING IS FO' BLUE COLLAH HOS"

    Nah but seriously I'll be fighting fire for as long as I can, I'm sure. On the side. Hahaha, Eunice actually suggested that after I get my degree and I'm established, I could work just part time at a local ER or something and apply for a firefighting job again.

    "Errrr, sir, I mean, doctor... I don't think our organization is able to afford the kind of salary that you might be used to... just to fill the fire-medic position... I'm sorry, what's that? You just want to fight fire, you're okay with the 50k a year? Well, shit."

  3. "...Now wash the truck, probie."
